Friday, November 26, 2010

Double Foot Productions Offers Gifts!

Number of internet hosts by country, 2005Image via Wikipedia
Because I run Double Foot Productions (a website design and promotion business) I am pleased to share with all of my Gift Economy readers the great gifts available through my own program on the site. I offer assitance with web design and promotion for both individuals and organisations that want to improve or create a presence online. I can offer Wordpress or Joomla setup but unfortunately cannot provide the hosting services but will help you find the best hosting and domain registration for your needs.

Yes, this is a strange advertisement, I am selling services for free but as you can see from this blog it is with a purpose and that is to give free time and resources that I have back to people (especially artists who may be starting out) who need help getting a site setup. There isn't a catch to this and I love to promote new work and websites!

If you want to check out my own work on websites you can visit which is a Wordpress based website and also contains all the contact information to enquire about the services on offer. Only eligible individuals and groups will be considered.

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