Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Friend in Need's a Friend Indeed!

Brazilian coffee sacks.Coffee: the writer's friend! Image via Wikipedia
On the subject of a gift economy it is interesting to note that most friends operate on similar principles. When you give something to a friend you probably don't take out your notebook and write out what they owe you. It is like when you see two friends arguing over who will pay for lunch and one finally pays and refuses to accept money. Sure, these two friends will probably switch roles at a future lunch bit it is still something given without thought of reparations. If we expand this notion to families and circles of friends it becomes somewhat communal. Friends can eat out of your fridge, drink your coffee etc and not many people would mind. If you visit their house you can do the same. This is stepping into the realms of hospitality but you get my point.

Actually, a couple of friends lead me to this conclusion to start this blog. After planning to do some sites for them so they can display their work online I thought it would be great to do that for more people. A lot of the time (especially with writing) I find fantastic and interesting pieces that seem not so great because they are on a bulletin board or something like that. On the other hand I see great visual and written artists using tools like a blog to share their work. I am a big supporter of having as much from anyone and everyone being seen, read and viewed. I write my poetry so I know certain formats are not as popular as lighting your farts on fire on youtube but still there is an audience for every niche. 

If you ever need help or want a mention let me know. I love to view new art and writing and hopefully there will continue to be more of it online. It may not all be perfect (I have my own works to vouch for that!) but that doesn't mean I don't want to see it. A perfect art work is imperfect due to its perfect nature. Imperfection is the at the heart of humanity but that isn't such a bad thing. 

Thanks for reading The Gift Economy I will be posting again soon on the topic of giving. If you have a service or anything you can 'gift' to someone else you are welcome to let me know. Otherwise if you need some help with something let me know too!

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