Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and Enjoy the Giving!

Christmas feverImage by Alan Carter via FlickrChristmas is a time of year that everyone can get involved with giving gifts. As you know from this site and my main business site Double Foot Productions I have aimed to try and provide gifts all year round but Christmas is an especially good time of year and there is nothing like choosing gifts to give to friends and family.

While the site has been lacking in some updates lately I hope to alleviate that problem with a few days off coming up and hopefully a move towards working on website production fulltime. I hope to elaborate on many of the discussions I have had on this site and will also be pushing my own business model incorporating a 'gift economy' into its main structure. This is all very experimental so any support is appreciated as I get started.

I thank you all for visiting this (for now) little blog discussing the joys of giving and of receiving. May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year. Thanks again!

-KJ Halliday